All About Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Honey?



Have you ever wondered if it’s okay to feed your dog honey? Today, I’m going to tell you exactly what you need to know to add honey to your dog’s bowl and get all the great benefits without any safety issues.
You might have heard how honey is great for human health, but it also offers benefits for your dog too.

The first reason that honey can help with is seasonal allergies. Honey contains small amounts of pollen, so feeding it can help build up antibodies that prepare your dog’s immune system for warm weather, plus honey contains quercetin, which has antihistamine properties, meaning it can help with itchy or watery eyes, just remember to use local honey so that it contains the same pollen your dog will be exposed to.

The second benefit of honey is that it can help with skin problems like hotspots, eczema, or insect bites. You can apply it right on the problem area to help soothe the skin. Raw, unpasteurized honey has antimicrobial properties, so it acts as a natural antiseptic that also reduces pain and inflammation. Cool, right?

The third reason you may want to give your dog honey is to help with kennel cough or a sore, itchy throat. So how do you know if your dog’s throat is sore? If your dog sounds hoarse, seems to have trouble swallowing, or has a cough, chances are honey might be able to help.

The fourth benefit, a bit of honey a day can keep the digestive problems away. If your pouch is suffering from indigestion, constipation, or diarrhea, the pre and probiotics in honey can help.

Finally, the fifth benefit of honey is that it can help your dog maintain a healthy weight. Research shows that honey can reduce the feeling of hunger because of the way it is absorbed slowly into the bloodstream. All right, there, you have, five reasons why honey is great for your dog. Now, a couple of very important things to keep in mind before you give any honey at all.

Can Dogs Eat Honey?

First, honey is not for puppies. You shouldn’t give honey to dogs younger than one year of age because their immune system is still developing.

The second reason to be careful with honey is if your dog is diabetic. Always check with your holistic vet first and carefully monitor how it affects your dog’s blood glucose levels. By now you’re probably wondering how much and what type of honey to give your dog.

As with many other types of products, processing, and pesticides are a concern, so choose your honey wisely. Choose honey that is pure, raw, and unfiltered, and. if possible, buy organic. One way to tell if your honey is unprocessed is to see how it behaves when chilled. Raw and unfiltered honey will be a dark color and crystallized.

As for how much honey to give your dog, don’t overdo it. Start small and pay attention to how it affects them. Add a drop to your dog’s food until he gets used to the smell and taste. Eventually, you can increase to the ideal amount according to his size.



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