All About Dogs

Tips that cannot be overlooked for dog breeders in the winter



Your dog may die from the cold, what are the most important tips for dog breeders that cannot be overlooked in the winter? With the introduction of the harsh winter, special care and attention must be given to dogs to maintain their health and safety and to warm open spaces in the house as the low temperature in winter adversely affects your dog and will expose him to many health problems.

You will notice in simple cases that your dog is shivering and you will notice cold extremities such as ears and feet as will notice Also, your dog is crying, the barking that indicates the presence of pain he feels, or perhaps you will notice that he stops playing and will start to search for a place to hide, because of his feeling of cold, so we will get to know closely together on the most important precautions necessary to protect your dog from the cold of winter.

1 –  Bathing the dog with warm water

You must bathe your dog in warm water, use special shampoo periodically, and warm the dog and dry it completely from the water, and not to leave it in the air and freezing cold.

2 –  Cleaning the dog’s paws

The paws of the dog must be cleaned well after practicing a walk. And when the rains come, some water may get stuck in the claws of the dog and on the hair between its claws, and it may increase the possibility of infection with diseases, so the claws must be washed carefully upon return from outside to avoid the risks of licking the dog and the transmission of diseases automatically and there are some special containers in places and stores that sell pet supplies.

3 –  Hydration of the dog’s body

Your dog may have some skin problems and cause dry skin, so you should add some moisturizers to the body with many nutritional supplements to the dog’s food to help hydrate the body. You can add some beneficial oils such as fish oil or coconut oil to your dog’s food every week. In addition to painting the dog’s claws with walnut oil when there is dry skin or cracks due to cold.

4 –  The dog was exposed to the sun

Make sure to warm your dog daily to be exposed to the warm sun in the winter and choose a bright time, to ensure that the dog’s body benefits from vitamin D, and to avoid walking in the evening because the dog is not exposed to cold and its limbs are shaky.

5 –  Visiting the veterinarian

It is necessary to visit the veterinarian before the start of the winter season to know all the instructions and instructions related to the condition of your dog in detail, as the winter cold reduces the flexibility of the joints of the dog, and your veterinarian will show you some exercises that will maintain the flexibility of the joints as well as some medicines and nutritional supplements that will protect Your dog has potential problems and diseases.



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