All About Dogs

What is the smartest animal in your opinion?



The human mind is an intelligent mind compared to other creatures, but this does not prevent other animals from enjoying intelligence commensurate with some human characteristics and actions. Below we will review the most intelligent animals from the highest to the least intelligent.


The chimpanzee is considered the smartest animal in the world, and ranks first in intelligence among all animals, as the chimpanzee is a type of monkey that lives in the tropical forests of Africa, and its origin goes back to the hominids or what they are called “semi-humans”.

Chimpanzees live in caves close to bodies of water, and are very similar to monkeys, except that they are larger and more powerful, as their length ranges between 130 and 160 cm, and their weight does not exceed 60 kg. 98% of chimpanzee genes are identical to human genes, therefore chimpanzees are characterized by having an intelligence rate close to human intelligence, and they are able to learn and perform tasks that require them to think, and he also has the best and strongest memory among all animals in the world, and consider it Scientists are better than human memory in memory tests. A chimpanzee can adapt easily in any place, and use body language to communicate what he wants, and is characterized by speed of understanding, and has the ability to imitate, and his sense of sight is one of the finest senses and comes in The front of the head to cover long distances, as chimpanzees can see in great depth through which they can discern the ripening of fruits. Chimpanzees are a social animal that quickly learns to imitate humans, some become connected to their beloved breeder in zoos to the extent that they scream to call him when they get sick from any medicine, and refuse to take medicine another person. Scientists were able to put together a list of twenty separate sounds in the chimpanzee language.


Dolphins, or the so-called “Dakhks”, are ranked second among the smartest animals in the world.[1] Dolphins are whale-like pets, their length ranges from (1 – 3.5 meters) and prefers to live in the warm waters of the world’s seas and oceans. It feeds on fish and squid. Scientists consider dolphins to be very intelligent animals, as they imitate the human voice in a distinctive way without being asked to do so.[3] They are able to learn quickly, and they are able to accept the directions given to them by those who train them, and it is easy for them to communicate with and establish human relationships and understanding them, She is distinguished, and she is also able to learn from her past mistakes, and not fall into them again. The pointy-nosed dolphin is the smartest among dolphins at all, and it has been noted that its brain size is larger than that of other dolphins. This dolphin is employed in marine shows, where it is easy to train and socialize with him, but students of animal behavior have another reason to consider the dolphin smart; He is able to create and play several games on his own. The dolphin has been used in armies and military operations by some countries such as Russia and Israel. The history of this military use of dolphins began in 1966 from the Soviet Union on the island of Crimea.[4] The function of these dolphins is to search for torpedoes, unexploded sea mines, and weapons at a depth of 100 meters, and a pistol is installed on them to kill any suspected divers.


The third smartest animal in the world is the elephant. Most of the elephants in the world live either in Africa or in India, and despite their different types, they are all characterized by intelligence. The elephant is considered in many cultures of the world as a symbol of wisdom. The intelligence of elephants is their supernatural ability to communicate with each other and to show feelings and emotions, and they are also characterized by having a very strong memory, as they can remember even after several years if they drank from a spring of water they can return to it even after several years. It is one of the pets that is used in acrobatic performances, and it does not harm anyone unless it harms them. Elephants are animals that live in herds, and they are very social with each other, as they console each other when they are sad, and play together in the water, and communicate with each other by the vibrations that they emit from their feet, and they can recognize themselves in the mirror.


The octopus is the smartest invertebrate animal, with its brain and eyes considered the most developed among invertebrates. It can focus its sight accurately, and it can also adapt to the change of light, and after the octopus brain processes the information it receives from the eyes in the visual lobe, it uses it with its delicate sense of touch to make very intelligent decisions. Through the research of various scientists, they discovered the ability of the octopus to find different ways to reach its goal, such as opening a jar to reach its food.

Other intelligent animals The rest of the scholars differed as to the order of the rest of the animals in which the smartest, but they did not disagree on their intelligence and ability to learn. These intelligent animals include: crows, African parrots, rhesus monkeys, Border Collie dogs, cats, mice, squirrels, pigs, and jumping spiders.




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